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Modern Firearms

We are a Master Dealer for Kimber & Browning rifles. Plus many other makes and brands of sporting firearms & accessories. Our inventory includes 200+ modern rifles & handguns.


Kimber was founded with the sole purpose of building the finest classic sporting rifles ever offered in America. Knowledgeable riflemen were quick to try one, liked what they saw and spread the word. Today, Kimber rifles are favored by many of the world's most accomplished hunters and shooters, and limited production keeps people standing in line to buy them.

Kimber rifles offer a combination of features that set them apart from all other production brands. Barrels, chambers and triggers hold critical match grade dimensions for accuracy. Pillar and glass bedding ensures both accuracy and strength. Walnut stocks are finished and checkered by hand, and Kevlar-carbon fiber stocks are the finest available on a production rifle. As with Kimber pistols, all work is done inside the Kimber factory - the only way to ensure quality.

Only accurate rifles are interesting. True enough, but accurate rifles with hand-finished classic stocks, crisp triggers and action sizes designed specifically for the family of cartridges they chamber is something special. Only Kimber rifles offer these advantages.


Click Here to view some of the available models at the

A browning dealer for 25+ years, we carry a nice selection of quality shotguns and rifles by Americas #1 over/under shotgun manufacturer. Stop by and look them over.


Click Here to view some of the available models at the

We've been a Ruger dealer for 30 years and stock both rifles and handguns by this great American manufacturer!